The Healthy Aging Company – Solving the treatment of diabetic neuropathy and Alzheimer’s diseases

THAC is a privately-owned biopharmaceutical company which aims to become a game changer in patient care and healthy aging by targeting age-related diseases and by primarily focusing Type 2 Mellitus Diabetes Neuropathy and Alzheimer’s diseases. two major unmet medical needs.

The mission of THAC is to develop game changer biotherapies for Type 2 Diabetes (T2M) and Alzheimer’s diseases (AD) patient’s management. The vision is that fighting insulin resistance, stimulating neuro-regeneration and fighting against inflammation, the root causes of T2DM and neurogenerative diseases, will modify the progression of Diabetes type II and Alzheimer’s diseases, revolutionize their treatment, and prevent associated severe complications. Indeed, the company can revolutionize the treatment of diabetic neuropathy, a major unmet disease. Beyond, THAC preclinical results show great promise for the treatment of Alzheimer’s diseases and other cognitive disorders. Thus, overall the mission of THAC is to prevent age-related diseases, thus ensuring Healthy Aging. What’s The Product?

The company is located both in Paris (Paris University) and United States (University of South Florida, registered in Delaware, and is anchored on a strong scientific background, with significant achievements and assets. The executive team has a large experience of product development and business. International Key Opinion Leaders are mobilized beside the team, who are FDA and EMEA consultants.


The Company develops ALF-575, a First-In-Class drug candidate for Diabetes neuropathy and Alzheimer’s diseases with a unique and innovative mode of action. The preclinical package including results in human is finalized. The drug candidate has been GMP produced, and its pharmacological properties as well as its safety profile are demonstrated for an iv administration. THAC has initiated regulatory preclinical studies with a subcutaneous route for patient compliance. The objective of THAC is to speed up its development and investment until the end of clinical phase II studies before engaging g industrial partnerships. In parallel, preclinical studies are ongoing to develop a complementary oral product.

THAC is owned by seasoned and respected shareholders and Board Members, Pr Christian Bréchot (former CEO French NIH, former CEO Pasteur Institute, Prof. University of South Florida and Vice-Chairman of the Global Virus Network), being the Executive Chairman of the Company. International Key Opinion Leaders in the field of metabolism and diabetes, working in the context of FDA and EASD, are mobilized alongside independent Board members and a skilled and highly experienced executive team.

Market Impact and Opportunity

Type II Diabetes Neuropathy and Alzheimer’s diseases are still major unmet medical needs

Despite existing therapeutic solutions, T2DM is still the first worldwide non-infectious pandemics with 700 million patients expected in 2040 (+51% increase from 2019). The disease is the first killer in the world (one death every 6 seconds), with a huge and drastically increasing market up to a total available market of $264 bn by 2026 (CAGR +6.5% between 2016-26). These last years, therapeutic progress has been achieved with novel classes of products, usually prescribed in bi- and tri-therapies, to control glycemia with different mode of actions. But despite these achievements, and due to the fact that they all target the consequence of the disease (e.g.glucose accumulation in blood) with toxicities, T2DM has still an ineluctable evolution in most patients to insulin requirement, with a decreased expectancy life. Severe chronic complications are not avoided; diabetic neuropathy has remained a major unmet medical need.

Moreover, there is currently no FDA approved cure for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The medications available for AD can temporarily help neurons in the brain to communicate with each other and in that way help symptoms for varying lengths of time but do not cure AD. Despite significant improvement in the therapy, the overall prognosis of AD is still poor. As the size of the population age 65 and older continues to grow (projected in the USA to 88 million by 2050), so too will the number and proportion of individuals with AD or other dementias. In fact, AD remains the fifth-leading cause of death among individuals aged 65 and older. The estimated total healthcare costs for the treatment of AD in 2020 in the USA is estimated at $305 billion, with the cost expected to increase to more than $1 trillion as the population ages. With the current lack of treatments, any type of symptom alleviation will have a beneficial impact on the life of patients and their caregivers.

Key Innovations & Patents

❶ A potential blockbuster for the huge and increasing T2DM and AD market, in response to a unmet medical need claimed by healthcare authorities.

❷ A First in Class drug, with a clear and competitive market positioning for Diabetic neuropathy and Alzheimer’s diseases.

❸ A unique and innovative mode of action targeting insulin resistance and neuro-regeneration, and counteracting inflammation, the root causes of T2DM and Alzheimer’s diseases.

❹ A robust patent portfolio with several patent families delivered in the US and EU; New patents pending and submitted; A high number of scientific publications and mobilized Key Opinion Leaders, experts in the field, are close to FDA & EASD.

❺ A preclinical package finalized with data in mice models and humans .

❻ An active substance already GMP produced with high-level know-how.

❼ A safety profile demonstrated through IV administration and previous First in Man clinical phases I and II.

❽ A proven business model in the pharmaceutical industry with industrial partnerships after phase II; A scalable business for prevention and treatment of severe chronic complications and age-related diseases.

❾ Already interests from industrials active on the T2DM market.

❿ An international presence in European and US sites, international KOLs and a worldwide out-license agreement.

Let’s Talk

I’d love to schedule a time to discuss this opportunity further.


Scott Kelly, CEO

Black Dog Venture Partners

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